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New in the leadership role
In the WIFI Management Forum you will develop the most important leadership and communication tools in 3 intensive days that will successfully support you in your leadership role.
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LERNMETHODE Trainer:in, Lernplattform
Teilnahme mit Computer, Tablet oder Smartphone
Kursnummer: 24383014
1.600,00 EUR Kursnummer: 24383014

New in the leadership role


Your premium benefits

  • Trainer with management experience
  • Leads young executives to success
  • Best practice and exercises for high practical relevance
  • Exchange of experience with (young) managers
  • Including book for the seminar
  • Including catering and free parking

The first 100 days as a leader as a guidepost for the future

Rise in the hierarchy of a company brings more prestige, more money and more responsibility. For the first time you are responsible for other people, not only need to reconcile your own goals with the company goals, but also those of the employees.
More responsibility brings additional tasks, more complex projects and makes more effective and efficient work necessary. In addition to the already sufficient juggling balls of your daily work, there are still some cones added. Keeping them all in the air is your job. It is important to organise, to correctly classify the employees, to recognise their strengths and weaknesses and to develop them all—including themselves.
Now you want to bring the already familiar theoretical concepts such as delegation, coaching, staff admission, recognition and criticism as well as motivation in your own personal way to practical use. If you take enough time, you will succeed.
In the three seminar days, you will find access to your personal situational style of leadership. You will work out ways in which you can make best use of management tools in your company and how you can communicate with employees, peers and supervisors.

First day:

You will recognise yourself and your potential, in a step-by-step plan you will plan and implement your next steps. The self-knowledge in the "clinical" seminar situation through many practical exercises, editing real cases and role-playing games make you fit for your everyday life.


  • Values as a leader and a leadership role
  • Self-image—external image as a manager
  • Corporate culture and trust
  • Recruitment and employee integration
  • Implementation of result orientation in job design
  • Clear instructions and the right level of control
  • Discussion of work results
  • Measures catalogue and reflection map to implement your personal next steps

Second day:

You learn the correct way to deal with employees. From the reception of the staff to the end of the cooperation, from the short praise between the door and the standardised annual discussion, you will get to know the methods of the other participants in addition to the theory. Here you will find out which leadership styles are easy for you and which ones you can still grow.


  • communication and feedback rules
  • conversation technique with role-playing games
  • Lead staff meetings
  • Motivational performance assessment
  • MbO Performance Management
  • Agree on quantitative and qualitative goals
  • Measures catalogue and reflection map for implementation

Third day:

The topics of team building and networking with the rest of the organisation are discussed.
You will learn what counts with good teams and how to manage them. The surprises of the group dynamics, but also the possibilities of good discussions and meetings, the chance of the moderator‘s role are also visible here. It's about corporate culture, organisational development and, of course, conflict management.


  • Team development and employee integration
  • Design meetings and manage them efficiently
  • Corporate culture and trust
  • Difficult conversation partners
  • Conflict management
  • Measures catalogue and reflection map for implementation
Ihr Trainingsteam

Mag. Sonja Schloemmer, MBA, MAES

Mag. Sonja Schloemmer, MBA, MAES

Sonja Schloemmer studied Commercial Sciences at the University for Economics Vienna, Business Administration at Lancaster University (UK) and European Law and Human Resources at the Collège of Europe in Bruges (Belgium). After many years of professional experience in management development, in corporate restructuring, in the field of headhunting and in the Topmanagement of Telekom Austria AG, she founded Schloemmer & Partner KG in 2003. Thanks to the high level of practical experience and the personal work with thousands of leaders in Europe, Sonja is able to guarantee a transfer of the knowledge learnt into daily management practice in seminars. She also founded the Austrian Academy in Vienna & Abu Dhabi providing trainingvideos combined with transfercoachings online.

After the seminar
  • you will know how to deal with the different roles as a manager, bring your own personality into your managerial role and reflect on your attitude;
  • you will know your personal leadership style and use the management tools that suit you best;
  • you will recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your employees as well as your own and know how to develop strengths;
  • you will recruit and assess performance based on clear competence definitions;
  • you set clear goals, delegate correctly and create opportunities for your employees to perform well;
  • you will know how to communicate properly with employees, peers and superiors and how to avoid stumbling blocks;
  • you will know how to develop your team further and integrate it into the organization;
  • you take the right measures to increase motivation and retain employees in your company;
  • you will recognize the right motivators to build common visions.
Ideal für
  • people who are new to a management position (department, team, job, project management) or who will soon be promoted to a management position;
  • managers who reflect on their role as managers and want to integrate new, modern tools into their management tasks;
  • executives who actively deal with their leadership role and want to improve it.
  • Fluent english is required for this seminar

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Letzte Änderung: 20.02.2025
